Thursday, August 27, 2015

Themes in Conceptual Film?

Themes Not Memes

             This year we are picking themes that we willing drive are focus on while scratching other surfaces... Leading to my first theme that i want to portray a lot in my work is SIMPLE SHAPES. I want to use simple shapes to make more diverse models. I want to see how limited people are when limited to simpler edges and shapes. I want to make unique work without using unique building blocks. Not only do I want something build something but i want a challenge of limitations. Another theme I want to try or at least that i enjoy is mechanical or hard surfaced modeling. Meaning tanks, cars, weapons or buildings are what i want to mostly work on, but I might be a little fluid and have organic things chiming in now and then if I don't change my mind. Ill either make multiple low poly models and create something out of that or I will make one complex model. I like working with hard edges and I like the simplicity that squares and other shapes bring. I am interested into war a little to just based on how create a person had to be to develop a tank. So I might also dable a little in weaponry and cannons. Nothing to native I’m more into futuristic weaponry. So basically what I’m saying is I’m going to make a giant sci-fi square tank with hard surfaces (sarcasm)? I just want to explore hard surface modeling and sci-fi to explore deeper into more common things. Hard surface was fun and I want that to be my main revolving point, but with little additives to help keep things from getting stale or to repetitive.

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